Beyond the Bay
Venturing a days travel away from Chesapeake waters, writers Constance Bond and Nancy Taylor Robson, and senior editor Wendy Mitman Clarke explore the harbors of Elizabeth City, N.C., Wilmington, Del., and Cape May, N.J., respectively.
The Ghost Fleet of Mallows Bay
Underwater archaeologist and writer Donald G. Shomette unravels the mystery behind all the rotting hulls still visible on the waterline at Mallows Bay on the Potomac River.
Rethinking, Repowering
At first Paul Lorraine thought about selling his old Sea Ray 36 when she started to get sluggish. Then it struck him that a little open-boat surgery and an engine transplant might just revitalize his cherished vessel.
Channel Nine
Eastports picture perfect . . . AmericasCup.com? . . . The Victory Chimes turns 100 . . . By the numbers . . . Thar she blows! . . . The secret life of Mattawoman Creek.
Good Boatkeeping
Power to the PeopleStephen A. Knox gets a charge out of boat batteries and shows how you can, too.
Time-Tested: A Guide to Good Old Boats
Small WonderAfter nearly 30 years, the Cape Dory Typhoon is still a charmer. By Tom Dove
Marina Hopping
Reedville RendezvousYacht facilities abound in Cockrell Creek, says Reedville resident Dick Goertemiller
Cruise of the Month
A Haven Near OxbridgeWriter David B. Bowes had been there before, but hed never noticed the serenity of La Trappe Creek off the Choptank River.
Reader Rendezvous
Getting HosedQuick thinking and Yankee ingenuity got Armand L. Caron back to the dock after his boat broke down on the Bay.
Anglers Almanac
The Basic HookHigh tech reels and state-of-the-art rods aside, John Page Williams points out that the hook is still what snags the fish, and it has changed darned little. Plus, Fishin and Family BoatsHydra Sports 2000C.
Galleys Ashore
The Wild Duck Cafe on Frog Mortar Creek off Middle River. By Marty LeGrand |