Gratitude Marina, conveniently located at the mouth of Swan Creek, is a full service marina offering both seasonal and transient boat slips. Our professionally staffed boat yard offers a complete line of services from hauling to mechanics, rigging and carpentry. We are a Fisher Panda Generator, Volvo Penta and Yanmar Engines authorized dealer. Our experienced staff is trained to American Boatyard and Yacht Council (ABYC) standards. Our managers have more than 80 years of hands-on boat handling and maintenance experience, both on and off the water.
Dockage $35 a night, 80 slips
Utilities Single 30, electric
Fuel Gas & diesel
Restaurants Nearby
Services Storage and haul out available, expert full marine service
including mechanics, rigging and carpentry.
Supplies Fisher Panda Generator, Volvo Penta and Yanmar Engines authorized dealer.
Payment VISA/MC/Discover
Special Rock Hall Museum,
Antiques, Shopping newby |