At the head of Rockhold Creek, off Herring Bay, sits the peaceful and family-oriented marina of Harbour Cove. With friendly, knowledgeable staff, comfortable surroundings and award-winning service mechanics, you are assured that every weekend will be a true vacation! Our amenities include a swimming pool, picnic areas with grills, shuffleboard and horseshoes and clean, bright restrooms with showers and laundry facilities. Our waterside facilities include a fuel dock and fully-stocked supply store. Also, dealer for Angler boats and Yamaha outboards.
Harbour Cove Marina |
Rockhold Creek
5910 Vacation Lane, Deale, MD,
301-261-9500 410-867-1600 Fax 301-261-5067
Dockage Annual dockage available, wet slips, rack storage, field storage, inside boatel and covered rack
Utilities Laundry, clubhouse, bathrooms, showers, lockerooms, pumpout.
Fuel Amoco gas, 89 Octane
Restaurants Several w/in walking distance
Services Full service marina, Mercruiser, Volvo, Yamaha, Mercury
Supplies Ship Store, Mercruiser, Volvo, Yamaha and Mercury supplies, ice
Payment VISA, MC, checks, cash
Hours Apr. 1-Dec. 1, 7 days, 8 am - 5 pm
Special Pool, picnic area with grill and horseshoe pit, shuffleboard, bi-monthly cookouts, experienced and friendly staff. |