During the season, Bay Point hosts rendezvous for boat clubs, offering discounted rates for groups of five or more boats. Fishermen are frequent guests, and transients at the beginning and end of the season. A U.S. Navy amphibious training base offers civilians insights into its special service branch. Norfolk International Airport is only 10 minutes away and rental car service is available for those who want to visit Williamsburg.
Bay Point Marina
Entrance to Hampton Roads channel
30th Bay Street, Norfolk, Va 23618
Fax 757-362-5652
Dockage $1.00/ft., 8' MLW
Utilities 30/50 Amp, pumpout, phone/cable available
Fuel Next door
Hours 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. daily
Proximity to Town .5 mile
Shopping Nearby, Ships Store has food, drinks, ice, bait, marine suplies
Local Attractions Navy amphibious base
Restaurants Bay Point Grille on site
Services Full service available, 50T lift
Transportation Rental cars & taxi, Norfolk Internat'l 10 minutes away
Features Golf (short ride), Little Creek Marina next door
Payment Major credit cards |