Cather Marine, Inc. is located in St. Mary's County on scenic St. Patrick's Creek off the Potomac River. The marina is open every day from 8am to 5pm with qualified mechanics on the premises. A wide variety of boating supplies can be found in the ship's store. Inquiries can be made about mooring, service, etc. by radio or telephone. Cather Marine monitors channel 16 and the phone number is 301-769-3335. Come visit Cather Marine.
Cather Marine
St. Patricks Creek
Potomac River
Palmer Rd., P.O. Box 60
Coltons Point, MD 20626,
Fax: 301-769-4027
Dockage 70 Open & Covered Slips
Utilities 30T Travelift
Repair Railway, authorized Mercruiser, OMC, Volvo, Yamaha
Fuel Yes
Hours Of Operation 8:00 am to
5:00 pm
Shopping Ships Store
Lodging Nearby
Groceries Nearby
Restaurants Nearby
Services On Site
Storage On Site
Features Quiet Setting
Payment MC, VISA, AMEX |