Located 18 miles up the Potomac in Virginia, Coles Point Plantation, which includes a full service
marina and boatyard open 7 days, is directly on the river. With 340 acres of land, this property offers
great recreation including boat ramp, swimming, fishing, and miles of wooded trails and ponds. 150 slips, over half covered, a rec hall, rental housing and campsites, and an expansion is underway. Fine, informal dining in Pilots Wharf Restaurant. Experienced catering available. Transients and clubs welcome; reservations recommended. |
Coles Point Plantation
Potomac River
Route 728, Coles Point, VA 22442
804-472-3955 Fax 804-472-4488
MLW 6'+
Utilities 50/30 Amp, pumpout
Fuel Gas, diesel
Phone/Cable Cable, payphone
Heads/Showers Yes
Laundry Yes
Restaurants Pilots Wharf on site
Ships Store Yes
Services 30T lift, 15,000 lb. fork
Storage On land or in boatel
Haul-out/Repair Yes
Pool Yes, covered
Transportation Courtesy car
Payment VISA/MC/Discover/AMEX