This new, hi-tech marine complex has just completed the second huge boatel building with state-of-the-art fire suppression system. Tomes is a dealer for Black Thunder, Crownline, Pro Line, Sundance Skiffs, Bennington, Mercury and MerCruiser. Large service bays for all types of mechanical repairs house a complete staff of certified Mercury/MerCruiser technicians A waterside promenade connects the boatel to the Portside Grille and a residential area. Keep your boat at Tomesit truly is where life on the Chesapeake begins.
Tomes Landing Marina
On the Susquehanna River
1000 Rowland Drive
Port Deposit, MD 21904
410-378-3343 Fax410-378-3384
www.tomeslandingmarina.com [email protected]
MLW 12'
Utilities Pumpout, payphone, new showers and bathrooms
Fuel Gas, pumpout
Shopping In town
Local Attractions Historic port town, Waterfront Promenade
Ships Store Hardware, accessories, sundries, wine, beer
Restaurants On site, Portside Grille Repair Full mechanical, Haulout, Forklift to 20,000 lbs. to 40'
Storage 2 Enclosed boatels for 225 boats
Transportation Taxi
Special New boat dealer for Black Thunder, Crownline, Pro Line, Sundance Skiffs, Bennington, Mercury and MerCruiser
Payment MC, VISA, Discover, AMEX |