Located 18 miles up the Potomac, Cole's Point Plantation in Virginia is open every day of the week. Directly located on the Potomac, it has the easiest access for fuel on the river. With 340 acres, the property offers great recreation including boat ramp, swimming pool, fishing dock, and miles of wooded trails and ponds. The full-service marina has 150 slips with new luxurious covered floating docks. There is also a rec hall, rental housing, and campsites. Enjoy fine, informal dining in the Pilot's Wharf Restaurant, which also offers catering for your event. Transients and clubs are welcome; reservations recommended.
Coles Point Plantation
Potomac River
Dockage 6'+ MLW
Utilities 50/30 Amp, pumpout, cable, payphone, heads and showers, laundry
Fuel Gas, diesel
Restaurants Pilot's Wharf on site, offers catering
Services 30T lift, 15,000 lb. fork, emergency towing, storage, haul-out, repair
Supplies Ship's store and gift shop
Payment VISA, MC, Discover, AMEX
Hours Open 7 days a week
Special Covered pool, fishing dock, rec. hall, catered private parties, courtesy car, monitors VHF channel 16 |
38° 08' 34"N
76° 36' 52" W
NOAA Chart 12285 |