Down the Delaware
If you’re headed to the Northeast’s cooler-weather grounds like Long Island or Maine, you’ll most likely first head up the Chesapeake, then down the Delaware Bay. Our next door neighbor is quite a different animal in terms of cruising grounds, currents, tides and weather, says editor-at-large
Wendy Mitman Clarke. But with a little planning, the trip can be a breeze, and there are places to go and things to see without venturing into the Atlantic.
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Sophisticated Lady
At nearly one thousand feet long and twelve stories high, the S.S. United States is a prime example of Yankee ingenuity, engineering and sheer chutzpah. Launched in 1952, she served as both a passenger liner and a surprisingly stealthy Cold War weapon. Now, according to writer Jan Adkins, she sits at a Philadelphia pier awaiting a new mission.
The Weather Wise and Otherwise
The Chesapeake’s summer weather can be treacherous if you’re caught unaware in a sudden gale or thunderstorm. But, with a little weather know-how, says Ralph Naranjo, you can be a pro at reading weather maps, recognizing cloud formations and understanding the basics of weather patterns in no time.
Taking in the Chesapeake
World cruisers Linda Lane Thornton and husband Andy visit the Chesapeake for the first time and are welcomed, ahem, no less than three times by our armed forces. Despite their run-ins with the law, they enjoyed our Bay’s great gunkholes and managed to get all the way up the Potomac in time to celebrate the Fourth of July in Washington, D.C.