Battle Plan
The Alexandria, Va., waterfront is undergoing a major renovation. But the transformation from historic wharves and shipping center to tourist-friendly cruising destination hasn’t been all roses, says Jody Argo Schroath. The finally approved mega-plan has been years in the making and will take even more years to implement.
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Refit Nation
What do you do when you love your boat, but not all its flaws? For these owners, major renovations have been the key to enjoying their boats more fully. Editor-at-large Gary Reich follows the refits of a 51-foot wooden buyboat, a 57-foot custom sportfisher, and a 73-foot trawler to see how these upgrades made their owners’ lives easier.
Rescuing Mariposa
When an abandoned, banged up Catalina 27 came loose from its mooring and beached itself on Mickey Raup’s home creek off the South River, his teenage son and friend (guided by Mickey, of course) took matters into their own hands and rescued this beautiful butterfly.
What’s in Your Gear Bag?
From a charter captain to a racing pro, we asked five boating experts what they take along when they hit the docks.
Tech Talk: Attachment Theory
Tom Hale gives us the skinny on how to safely add hardware while keeping your deck watertight.
Jody’s Log: A Cock and Bull Story
Envious of all the cool names on the New England charts, Jody Argo Schroath scans the Bay and finds a wealth of equally amusing monakers (Ape Hole Cove, anyone?) on the Chesapeake
Weather Eye: Happiness is a Small Boat
After years of big-boat sailing, the allure of the small boat lingers for Wendy Mitman Clarke, reminding her of days long gone (and her old Nissan Sentra).
Cover Photo by: John Bildahl